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Lost Surfboards Presents The Driver 3.0

Lost Surfboards Presents The Driver 3.0

The DRIVER3.0 is the culmination of the last three years of subtle, consistent fine tuning of the Driver2.0, with our elite level team riders. Since the launch of the Driver2.0, in 2019, our team has consistently pushed us to continue evolving, always strive to have an edge, competing against the worlds best surfers.We are motivated by making strides to come out on top. It represents the methodical advancements and evolution of the Driver2.0, the point where it is no longer even the same model. Publicly leaked and unveiled (as a squash tail) in the 2022 StabInTheDark, with Jack Robinson, where we just missed a win, ending with a very close runner up. Further refinement and adaptation from the SITD board, though 2022, cemented this design as some thing special. Virtually every top tier surfer we work with was claiming this version as the best board in their quiver. Highlighted by Griffin Colapinto and his two WCT victories of the season, in Portugal and El Salvador. The DRIVER3.0 Round is essentially replicated directly from Griffins magic board, during that El Salvador event. The response and accolades from every gifted surfer in our team (from vets like Kolohe Andino, Yago Dora and Ian Crane to young guns like Eli Hanneman, Crosby Cola and Cole Houshmand) has been so resoundingly positive, that we felt it was time to go public and offer this design officially, for late 2022 and beyond. Simply stated, the DRIVER3.0 features slightly more tail rocker and a deeper double to single concave, through the rear half, than its predecessor, the Driver2.0. The deck line in the tail is scooped out, with lower, boxy rails, to follow the bottom curve and slice seamlessly into the water. More concave means more lift and more rail line rocker. More lift means more speed.More rail rocker, means more curve, for searing, tight radius turns.We narrowed the hip, between the feet, adding grip and stability to the outline.The round tail is fairly wide and forgiving under the rear foot, but the last few inches pull in enough to add confidence and hold in hard pushing, Pro level, pocket surfing. DRIVER 3.0 (Rnd) Description.docx To balance these design elements (added tail rocker, narrower hip, scooped out deck and hyper rail rocker) we have carried a bit more. width in the forward outline and volume in the forward foil. This forward volume adds glide and a more responsive drive, off the front foot. The DRIVER3.0 runs thicker, along the stringer line (for paddle power and drive) but has a higher angle “Vee” deck, which removes volume. and ends in a moderate, but round and forgiving, rail. Overall, the dims and volumes are noticeably a bit more generous.Like everything else in this boards design evolution, it is a reaction to (and response from) our top tier athletes requests. Griffin is riding 5’11 x 28.50 liters. Yago 5’11 and 6’0 x 29.50 liters. Kolohe and Crosby are somewhere in between, riding similar lengths, but at 29.00 liters of volume. The DRIVER3.0 Rnd is the status quo of high level, Pro - formance surfing, today. Developed with direction, testing and feedback from the many of the best surfers in the USA and around the world, it has been proven on the worlds biggest stage, yet is designed with enough foam and built. in speed to be a viable tool in any adepts surfers quiver.DRIVER3.0...The Ultimate Driver machine. Filmed by Leandro Dora and Jacob Vanderwork. Edited by Aaron Jesse. Surfers: Yado Dora. Griffin Colapinto.
The California Twin Pin by Mark Richards and Matt Biolos.

The California Twin Pin by Mark Richards and Matt Biolos.

The all new, #California_Pin is a natural extension of the wildly popular #CaliforniaTwin. A design collaboration between the legendary, 4x World Champion surfer/shaper, Mark Richards and @LostSurfboards, Matt “Mayhem” Biolos. The CaliforniaTwin, with its winged swallow tail, wide forward outline, low entry rocker and deep single to double concave bottom, quickly became a favorite for a wide array of skill level surfers. From up n coming Pros, to aging Bros, it’s been a resounding success, around the world. As time goes on, multiple requests for customizing the design for greater performance and confidence in a wider range of waves, started coming from passionate CaTwin converts. The #Ca_Pin is the result of those custom orders and requests. A souped up and slightly sleeked out, all-around performance vehicle, with stock dims designed to be ridden 1-2” longer than the original #Ca_Twin. Not a true step up, but more of a bridge-gap between squatty/speedy fish and a proper performance shortboard, equally at home in punchy, stomach-high shories or running overhead reef passes and point breaks. To do this, we began with the Ca_Twin and...Lengthened 1”, subtlety increased nose rocker and gently pulled in the forward 1/3 of the outline. Added some thickness though the center line, to maintain paddle power , but rolled the deck line, to maintain a modest rail. Pulled in the “hips” of the outline, between the feet, and changed the tail to its name defining, forgiving, rounded pin. These changes make for a fast, forgiving and precise board, with a continuous curve outline that expands on the range of functionality of the original. What we did not change, however, was the iconic MR. Twin+trailer fin layout, design and positioning, nor the wicked fast and fun, single to double concave bottom curves Surfer: Griffin Colapinto and Mark Richards filmer: Jacob Vanderwork, Gian Bernini, Hayden Garfield.
Stab Electric Acid Surfboard Test 2022 Winner - The Mick's tape.
AIPA X MAYHEM Surfboard collaboration.

AIPA X MAYHEM Surfboard collaboration.

Aipa “STING” The STING is a surfboard design attribute, inspired by speed boat hydroplane hulls. Invented and developed for surfboards by legendary Surfer/Shaper, Ben Aipa, in the early 1970’s. The design is focused on surface area reduction, by utilizing a unique wing placement that allows a wider forward surface area, for “planing” and carrying speed, with an abruptly reduced tail curve, behind the STING, to initiate early release, intuitive pivot and radical maneuverability reaction, when engaged in turns. It is often used to make larger, wider, grovel type boards, more maneuverable...or to maximize the performance of HP short boards. The STING was the first winged surfboard of its kind and was the blueprint for what would become the winged twin, winged swallow and later on, influence the bump wing, thruster of the the 1980’s. It is one of very few board designs that when you see it, even from afar, you know who created it. Historically speaking: Aipas STING was a pivotal design advancement that made boards wildly more maneuverable. Test piloted by revolutionary Hawaiian surfers,Larry Bertlemann and Buttons Kaluhiokalani, who used the STING, to pull off maneuvers never before dreamed of. A key ingredient in the explosion of high performance surfing during that era, the STING rapidly went thru a multitude of refinements. During this process, these freewheeling Hawaiian hotshots were igniting the waves with intense carving 360’s, “Larry” Laybacks and other never before seen, hybrids of power surfing and skate style antics. It soon caught the attention of young World Tour Surfer/Shaper, Mark Richards, who rode quivers of Aipa STINGS and used them as a direct influence for his forthcoming 4 World SurfingTitles on self shaped, winged swallow, twin fins. Ben Aipa is accredited as one of the most influential shapers of modern surfing. His work and design philosophies impacted many of the worlds best surfers and shapers. His contributions are many ...but most popularly known for inventing the swallow tail and following up with the iconic STING. Continually updating the STING, though the decades, to align. with performance levels of the times, Ben educated many young shapers through the years, including his two sons. Eventually handing over the AIPA Surfboards label, to his youngest son, Duke, who now continues pushing Aipa designs into the next era. Says Duke: Dad always said, “In order for surfing to change, surfboards need to change”. Duke takes pride in evolving the AIPA shapes for tomorrow's surfer with. an emphasis on applying the AIPA STING as an element that enhances a boards design. Duke continues: "The collaboration with ...lost and Mayhem is a perfect example of this....taking Matts proven models and including the STING design element, to create radical new sensations of a familiar model and introduce new surfers to the one and only STING." Collaboration with ...Lost: To launch the STING collaboration between ...lost and Aipa, we chose two longstanding, popular models, to inject the STING. Working side by side with Duke, we built these two unique spins on a pair of well known faves...The Sub Scorcher and The Puddle Jumper. We approached every detail, from the obvious outline adjustments and introduction of the STING, to the rocker, foil, fin placement and of course, graphic presentation, with painstaking detail. Creating radical new possibilities, by incorporating the iconic STING into a pair of proven performers. CARTOON BY Drew Toons.
The 3.0 Stub by ...Lost Surfboards.

The 3.0 Stub by ...Lost Surfboards.

All new, every day, step-down, performance player, developed with Kolohe Andino. The 3.0_STUB is a direct derivative of the long time developed, but recently released, DRIVER3.0. A board designed with elite level surfers, looking for the “Ultimate Driving Machine”. Primarily tested in and around the waves of the World Tour (not necessarily the typical 1' - 3’ soft slop that most of us suffer through, daily) the DRIVER3.0 still left room at the lower end for higher performance in lesser waves. Enter the 3.0STUB. A stepped - down and “stubbed”, low end/high performance, smaller wave - ripping machine. Unlike the Sub-Drivers (our other step-down performance boards). the 3.0_STUB does not use any vee in the tail. Instead it features a continuous rocker/concave combination. This is the primary difference between the two. While noticeably relaxed from DRIVER3.0 rocker, it is still loose and lively, quick and easy to release, under the rear foot. Fitting more effortlessly into small pockets or quick dumpy sections that the Sub Drivers. Perfect for small beach break. The similarities in rocker, bottom contours and outline, maintain a closer feel, when switching between the DRIVER3.0 and 3.0STUB.That was the goal and that is the result. FEATURES: ...When compared to theDRIVER3.0 - Relaxed entry rocker, with a slightly wider nose area. - Relaxed tail rocker, with a slight hip and wider tail block (but not as wide as the SubDrivers.) - More width overall, with thickness carried further into the nose and under the rear foot. - Deeper single and double concave combination, for more lift, with plenty or rail curve, in lesser surf. - Slightly flatter deck, with soft , forgiving rails. Working with Kolohe, who after riding DRIVER3.0 in proper surf, wanted to feel like he was riding the same board, out at T- Street, or small Trestles. 3.0_STUB description. Riding SubDrivers "felt almost stiff”. He wanted board that required no adjustment to technique and could swap seamlessly back and forth with the DRIVER3.0. “Why not just make a step-down board off of that?" Which is exactly what we did. We got them under the feet of our WQS crew: Crosby Cola, Cole Houshmand, Eli Hanneman and Michael Dunphy, who immediately responded with positive feedback and now carry in their small wave, Challenger series, arsenal. If your passionate about performance surfing, riding performance surfboards...and tend to do so in average to sub-par surf, then the 3.0STUB is for you. Designed to be ridden just 1” shorter than a DRIVER3.0 and our stock dims reflect that. Ex: If you ride a 6’0" DRIVER3.0, the 5’11" 3.0STUB, should slide in perfectly. Together they make for a perfectly paired duo of modern, high performance vehicles. Footage by: Jacob Vanderwork. Edit by: Gian Bernini. Surfers: Kolohe Andino and Griffin Colapinto.
Sword-Fish by Kolohe Andino
Griffin Colapinto | Rocket Hawaii
Driver 2.0 Intro
New for 2020 | ...Lost Hydra

New for 2020 | ...Lost Hydra

The HYDRA is the ultimate minuscule wave monster, melding more than 25 years of developing small wave fish and mini wave hybrids. It implements proven design details from a myriad of models like the Puddle Jumper, Bottom Feeder, Pelagic, and most recently the RNF-Retro. Built around an overall low rocker paired to an almost traditional “fish” outline, this little sea monster is a mini-wave weapon. It features multiple magic making design elements which bring The HYDRA to life. • On the outline, we’ve continued with the snowboard influenced “Pelagic” side cut outline. From our original Pelagic, to the RNF-Retro and on to the new SWORD-FISH, every board featuring this outline has worked above expectations. It noticeably locks into the wave during carves and shortens the radius of turns while both gaining speed and maintaining control. • The bottom contours feature a unique double concave, chined “Hydra-hull”. A design I first learned from Jim Fuller, in the mid ’80’s and is featured in our classic Bottom Feeder model. A similar style of “hull” was also designed, popularized and perfected by Bill Stewart as the “Hydro-Hull” for decades. Like a single concave; It allows the use of more curve through the rocker (which makes proper turning and vertical surfing a lot easier) by cutting through and adding lift and speed. With very wide boards, single concave bottoms easily get sticky and stay flat on the face, the chined bevels add release, free up the board from rail to rail and encourage 3D rail surfing, as opposed to simply skating fast on the surface, like so many traditional fish. • The tail is a split diamond, which melds the characteristics of both swallow and diamond tails. The notched-out center line shortens the stringer and reduces surface area behind the rear foot, to add bite and control to a wide tail. The double diamond tail shortens the rail line making quick and radical, power retaining turns much more manageable. • The HYDRA uses a flat-ish deck, with full and forgiving rails. Flat decks can remain thinner and still retain volume, and more importantly, are more flexible (even if thick) than vee or dome decks. Flex is good in low rocker boards, keeping them pliable and forgiving. I dare say this is a more effective and advanced tail design than a typical fish or swallow in allowing radical surfing with very wide tails.



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